Pesticides, a toxic mess in your garden

One resident warns of the harmful products you could be adding to your soil

Pesticides have been around for 70 years, yet weeds, pests and diseases that attack plants have, if anything, become worse because they have become resistant to all these chemicals, much like the bacterial “super bugs” have become resistant to antibiotics. This means you have to spray more often, using more toxic chemicals every year.

Many pesticides, herbicides and fungicides are responsible for adding extra cause gene mutations or are neuro (brain) toxins.

Glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup, once touted as safe because it kills bacteria, not humans, has been shown to be anything but.  As a killer of bacteria, it is deadly to the bacteria in the soil and in our gut.

Bacteria in the soil keeps it free of pathogens such as e-coli and are necessary for the uptake of minerals into crops.

The bacteria that live in our gut keep us free of pathogens and facilitate uptake of our nutrients.

When you put these chemicals on your lawn, everyone, including pets, neighbors gathered for a barbecue and little children running around are exposing themselves to serious toxins. All it takes are minute amounts to disrupt the delicate balance of the body.

There are many non-toxic alternatives to pesticides and herbicides available and myriads of websites, books and farmers in the community that can teach us about them.

Not using household pesticides is a personal decision that can make a big difference in the increasingly heavy toxin burden faced by us all.

Jo Phillips

Otter Point

Goldstream News Gazette