Petulant athletes forget that fans pay the bills

Brett Lawrie has no business ranting against fans on Twitter.

Editor: Brett Lawrie is obviously having trouble handling the pressure of being a baseball player in his home country.  He recently went off on Twitter, blistering fans who he believes are unqualified to level criticism of his play.

Lawrie had an exaggerated sense of self-worth before he arrived in Toronto, and it has expanded there with his modicum of success.

He will get paid millions to play a silly game in which he was lucky to have been randomly supplied with the skills to do so. What a great contribution to society.

He is the one that deserves derision, in light of the fact that in his profession, one is considered an elite player if his success rate at hitting the ball is 30 per cent.

For those living and working in the real world, such a performance standard would result in dismissal.

I doubt that Lawrie will develop the maturity to one day realize that it is the fans that put him in his mansions and expensive sports cars.  I’m tired of spoiled, petulant athletes that blame others or complain about their good fortune.


Tim Opper,


Langley Times