Photo fallout continues


Re: Politics mires city business, Jan. 21.

In response to the letters from M.A. Collings and Mary Mikelson: your attitudes to the situation regarding the mayor, council and city staffer are manifestations of why this mix-up happened in the first place – a lack of attention.

The pictures were not “relegated to the storage bin.” They were being refurbished, as many news stories have indicated.

Ms. Mikelson, your comment that we should say “good riddance” to the staffer who left because “the mayor dared to criticize her work” is uninformed, and certainly doesn’t indicate that you’ve carefully read the news reports on this story.

Her resignation had nothing to do with someone criticizing her work – it had to do with council making her into a scapegoat for a simple misunderstanding. No staffer should feel compelled to resign because of an unhealthy work atmosphere.

Julian Phillips, Surrey

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The good news in this debacle, is the council’s tactics were brought to light as opposed to their original plan of behind closed doors. 

The community has a right to know when their city council is preoccupied with sabotaging the mayor to the point where she has to hire a lawyer to defend herself.

Unconscionable. Where is that eject button?

Marilyn Pearson, Surrey

Peace Arch News