Photographer on hunt for cougar

Regarding the cougar report in The Aldergrove Star, Dec. 8, my wife spotted a cougar in a large pasture in south Aldergrove


Regarding the cougar report in The Aldergrove Star, Dec. 8, “Cougar blamed in Aldergrove farm killing spree” it has been a few months now but my wife spotted a cougar in a large pasture which borders 24 Avenue a few hundred yards east of our property between 256 and 264 Streets.

Given that there are a number of deer (over 15) which populate that property, which has a good deal of second growth timber, I figured that the cat has a lot to choose from for lunch, dinner and the like.

I am a serious photographer who had a near miss with a cougar and my Toyota 4-Runner down by Mt. Baker earlier this year so I am always on the lookout for the cat. We have not seen him since the one sighting so maybe he (or she) figures the chickens are easier pickings. You know… “finger licking good” …and all that.

The cat that I narrowly missed with my truck in Washington state was a chicken killer also. He and his sister had been relocated by the Fish and Wildlife Service since they both committed a major raid on a chicken farm not too far from Mt. Baker. He (the male) ran across the road in front of me and it was a matter of quick braking so I did not hit and kill him with my truck. It would not have been a nice thing to have happen to the cat or my truck.

I am a very serious wildlife photographer and I’d like to get some shots of this kitty if I can. As a lifelong hunter I am not terribly nervous about the cat and, like you say, as long as it does not bother people, and especially children, we can live and let live. If I am lucky enough to capture an image I will share it with you, that is for sure.

Dr. Jim Axelson, Aldergrove

Aldergrove Star