PHSS counts down to grad

Alisha McDonald shares the high school happenings in our PHSS student column.

The past few weeks have gone by fast here at PHSS. We have had the pleasure of watching a few presentations. One of particular importance was about avalanche awareness. We learned tips on how to protect ourselves on ski hills, for example staying within the safe boundary line.

Our school recently hosted Eagle View Elementary School’s basketball tournament. Many Elementary schools from the surrounding area come to take part. The tournament was action-filled with many greats plays including some during the ‘Halftime Show’ where teachers came out to throw the ball around. A few of our grads even took part by holding a concession to keep the players hydrated and energized.

Our grads are busily getting together their scholarship packages and getting all of their final paperwork together in order to graduate in June. It is hard to believe there are only three months left in the school year; how time has flown.

The students and staff were all looking forward to Easter Long Weekend. We were excited for the opportunity to spend time with our families and take a break from the bustle of school life. We are all hoping the remainder of April will educational and entertaining!

Alisha MacDonald is a Grade 12 student at Port Hardy Secondary School.


North Island Gazette