Pick up after your pet at Lakewood fields

Once again, irresponsible dog owners who fail to pick up after their pets are spoiling it for everyone.

Once again, irresponsible dog owners who fail to pick up after their pets are spoiling it for everyone.

Despite signage advising that dogs are not permitted on Sooke School District grounds at any time, the new sports field at Lakewood elementary is littered with dog poop.

Lakewood staff advises that it is becoming a genuine problem, especially with our increasingly wet weather.

The children are outside playing during gym class, recess and lunch breaks, and not only are they stepping and slipping in the mess, but the poop is then tracked back into the school.

The school’s priority is the health of its students and the sanitation of its buildings and grounds. It shouldn’t have to worry about dog poop. This problem causes more work for everybody from students and teachers to custodial staff.

While I am empathetic to dog owners who want to be able to take their dogs and their families to run around on the field, there is simply no excuse for not picking up after your pet.

Do not leave the house without a poop bag—-it’s as simple as that. Keep a stock of them in your vehicle just in case. There is a garbage can at the top of the stairs right on the field.

I don’t know if the offenders are people who do not have children attending Lakewood, or if they are of the belief that the rules do not apply to them.

Regardless of your flawed reasoning, stop being so selfish. Please either keep your dog off the field or clean up after it.

Karla Jervis



Goldstream News Gazette