Pickleball in Polson

Resident concerned about proposed pickleball courts being developed

I would like to respond to the article regarding pickleball in Polson Park.

Just to set everything straight in the beginning, I am very happy that the pickleball club is promoting its sport with the younger people, as this area of the population will benefit from it but we must get the senior people more involved as they also will benefit from the sport.

But I am also a frequent user of Polson Park for watching the ducks, a quiet place to sit and think and also a lovely spot to just walk.

You want the municipality to fund courts for public and club use, but why should the private taxpaying citizens pay for something that it will not have access to at all times, and the majority will never use?

It states this central location would provide practical noon-hour access. Well, it is already well used by people exercising, skateboarders, mothers with children, tennis players and people like myself for a quiet place to relax. By building this type of amenity, it will cause a large increase in vehicle traffic and even now you have trouble finding a parking space.

It also says this would be a huge competitive advantage in holding open tournaments throughout the summer and where are all of these people going to park? Where are they going to stay as the majority of hotels are a fair distance away, and transportation will be by car?

How much money are you going to be adding to the funds available from the city as a taxpayer who is already looking at an increase in taxes next year?

I am retired and living on a fixed income and large increases in my taxes will force me to move from my home of 17 years.  If you want to have my taxes for this, then at least when you put your request forward to us, please have a total amount that your group is going to put towards this project, the effect of congestion from increased traffic on the surrounding areas and who will pay for all the upkeep and improvements you will want.  This area has traffic problems at present and any increase without proper investigation will create a traffic nightmare.

Please take into consideration if and when you make this application that when the grandstand burned down, public input was sought and we the taxpaying public did not want this area built on or used.

If it is to be used, put more tennis courts in as they would be well used and welcomed.

Garry Haas


Vernon Morning Star