Ping pong, games and shots?

In the February 10/17 Shuswap Market News Lloyd Atkins has submitted (in my opinion) a diatribe to the paper

In the February 10/17 Shuswap Market News Lloyd Atkins has submitted (in my opinion) a diatribe to the paper directed toward President Trump in the U.S. We, in the Shuswap area have become quite used to reading articles from left-leaning sources regarding many topics.

Mr. Atkins uses terms like games, ping pong and shots as he attempts to define what the Republicans and President Trump are doing in America. He mentions a few of the other administrations from the U.S. over the years as well.

It is my understanding President Trump (in his election campaign) promised to make America great again by imposing new and different methods of keeping America safe, create employment, lower taxes, implement financial penalties for companies leaving America, prevent illegal aliens from entering America that take jobs away from Americans, beef up the military, improve the benefits and care for armed forces veterans, improve support for police and corrections officers, introduce a better health-care system, introduce measures to stop terrorists from entering America and attempt to improve relations with Russia.

In my opinion, Mr. Atkins has chosen to not elaborate on what he actually means by using the strange terms such as games, ping pong and shots, what does he mean? Why are these terms not explained in his letter?

Perhaps Mr. Atkins has chosen this way in an attempt to discredit the new president and his supporters with no explanation on what he refers to by using these phrases?

As a Canadian with no influence what so ever on the U.S., it is my opinion, that perhaps President Donald Trump will make good on his election promises for the good of all those in the U.S. and in doing so, will prove to be good for all of North America.

B CampbellSorrento


Salmon Arm Observer