Pink slips coming for B.C. Liberals

The can now see from the opinion polls what happens when they keep trying to fool us over and over.

Kevin Falcon has finally announced his plans for the return to the PST. As per the voters’ demands, this is centered on bringing back all the old exemptions. But after 19 months of HST taxes at $2 billion per year, new software will mean 100 fewer clerical people needed to run the PST – a grand savings of $9 million per year. Falcon’s business professors might be proud of him, but the B.C. public can see through this latest spinning smokescreen.

The biggest mistake made by the public on the HST referendum was to assume that when we voted to return to the “status quo ante” we all assumed it would be right away. What fools we were to trust these sellers of snake oil.

All the systems were in place and it should have taken 90 days maximum to go back to what B.C. had before – if the government wanted to improve the PST they could have done this in parallel with implementing the people’s wishes.

Well, the B.C. Liberals can now see from the opinion polls what happens when they keep trying to fool us over and over. They will get their pink slips next spring when the B.C. Liberal party disappears under the waves forever.


Herb Spencer, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader