Pipeline common sense?

Pipeline common sense?

Writer amazed by lack of "common sense" in pipeline resistance.

Continued resistance to pipelines whether gas or oil continue to amaze me.

In the past Interior News we see a picture of the hereditary chiefs in full regalia. Do they ever dream of the days a lifetime ago when they had to cut firewood in the dead of winter with hand saws or axes? When they get into their fancy pickups, do they think of horses? When they get into their insulated homes, sit on their plugged in easy chairs and reach up to turn the dial for instant home heating, do they realize what they look like?

When our government is going to mandate so many thousands of electric cars be plugged into our electrical system as people who use these cars protest another dozen or more Site C dams needed to power these things. Chiefs, people, government give your heads a shake and think! We can’t have our cake and eat it too!

Add up all the promises our wise governments are making. New hospitals, new schools, library, low cost housing, first nation money, all sorts of programs all soon to be built with money stolen from our grandchildren. Money that gas and oil might be able to help pay for, if we stop this nonsense.

Let’s get back to some common sense and not look like a bunch of non-thinking fools. May God have mercy on us.

Dirk Adema


Smithers Interior News