Pipeline feeding our addiction for oil

The proposed Northern Gateway pipeline is going to go in, according to the federal government.

Dear Editor:

The proposed Northern Gateway pipeline is going to go in, according to the federal government.

I have to ask our government: Can we drink oil? What about our right to vote?

It seems every time the government really wants something we don’t get to have a voice.

B.C. has some of the last pristine, natural areas left in the world.

The west coast of B.C. is unique on earth.

Every year thousands of people come here to observe the impressive natural beauty of our amazing province.

They say the pipeline will be safe. Right! So therefore no tanker is unsinkable and no pipeline is unbreakable, dream on.

We all know the disastrous effects would be irreparable.

The unique features of the northwest coastline would make an oil spill cleanup extremely difficult.

The profit we will gain from this project is short term and small in comparison to the long-term effect of the damage to our environment and the precious natural resources that will be wiped out in the process.

We as a country should invest heavily in renewable energy resources to protect the environment and the resources we have left.

This can also create jobs and stability to our economy not just a pipeline.

I really hope we can find a way to break free from our addiction to oil, and I use it too, just like you.

The Northern Gateway Pipeline is not going to make up for the damage it will cause, just putting it in alone is going to destroy beautiful natural areas that are irreplaceable and that is before an oil spill.

There has to be another way! I really hope the government will reconsider.

Annemarie Krenger




Summerland Review