Pipeline jobs worth considering

I would strongly like to urge my friends back home to consider the economic benefits.

Dear Sir:

My name is Terry McRobb, I was born at the Mills Memorial hospital in Terrace BC back in the 70s. I grew up in Thronhill across the Skeena river where I have many fond memories of camping and fishing with friends, I have a deep respect for the environment and sincerely hope for nothing but the best for the region and the people that live there. I was part of the missing generation that grew up in Terrace, I call it the missing generation simply because most of us had to move away after graduation in search of work and career opportunities. I didn’t have the option of remaining in the community I grew up in, there was just too many of us competing for too few jobs.

I would strongly like to urge my friends back home to consider the economic benefits of such projects like the Northern Gateway before condemning it. There’s a new generation coming up that deserves opportunity, give them the choice of staying in the community they grew up in. This pipeline can be built safely, and it should be built for the benefit of future generations.

Terry McRobb,

Edmonton, Alberta



Terrace Standard