Pipeline protest misses the mark

Letter writer expresses the need for development in B.C. to create jobs

Congratulations to all of those who attend the Defend our Coast Day. As stated in the article, it is an opportunity for people to “link arms to create an unbroken wall of opposition to pipelines, tar sands and oil tankers.” And also to jobs and opportunities for young people.

It’s unfortunate that some people in this province want to continue to deny our children a future with their hypocritical nonsense.

I say hypocritical because I’m sure most of those attending these rallies owns a vehicle and burns those terrible fossil fuels they are so against.

After reading this article, I contacted my 19-year-old son, who graduated from Charles Bloom Secondary in 2011.

Out of his class of 65 students, he knew of 15 other young adults besides himself who are currently working in the energy sector in Alberta, Saskatchewan and northern B.C.

These are just the people he associates with. I’m sure there are others as well.

The saying used to be, “Go west young Man.” Now, it seems this has changed to go east instead. Young men and women want to work and get ahead like we all do and jobs in tourism, arts and culture or the fast food industry don’t cut it.

Which is why we have this exodus of young people to Alberta and Saskatchewan because it seems B.C. is against any kind of progress.

As for those who are so opposed to the Northern Gateway pipeline, Alberta has hundreds of thousands of kilometres of pipelines crossing the province and I don’t recall any major environmental disasters due to ruptures.

So instead of rallying against jobs and progress, these people should be rallying for more ways to add value to our resources, such as the one proposed by the owner of this paper, Mr. Black.

Let’s refine the oil coming from Alberta so we can export the finished product and create stable, well-paid employment for young people in this province before they all leave.

Bill Grahn



Vernon Morning Star