Pipeline support lukewarm at best

It takes a careful reading to get a true picture of how the Terrace and District Chamber of Commerce actually feels about Gateway.

Dear Sir:

A top item in the news section of the April 2 edition of The Terrace Standard bears the banner headline “Chamber board supports Enbridge project”.

While technically correct, it is, I believe, misleading.

It takes a careful reading to get a true picture of how the Terrace and District Chamber of Commerce actually feels about Gateway.

“The board is the voice of the members, and we represent the members,” you quote chamber president Janice Shaben as saying.

But, according to your article, only 40 out of 290 members voted, and of those just barely 50 per cent supported Gateway.

My rather rustic arithmetic says that’s just 20 out of 290, or only a trifle more than 7 per cent member-support for Enbridge’s project.

That’s hardly a ringing endorsement of Ms. Shaben’s contention, or of the Standard’s chosen headline, is it?

John How,

Terrace, B.C.

Terrace Standard