Plans in the works for downtown Creston grain elevators

Ray Gauthier, owner of Creston landmark grain elevators, responds to suggestion to paint them or tear them down...

To the Editor:

(Re: “Downtown Creston grain elevators and ‘bunker’ need paint job”)

While I can only speak to your concern of the grain elevators, I would first like to touch on your overall letter.

You start with the godawful concrete bunker, and how painting murals of a forest and a bunch of critters will somehow turn the town into a major tourist destination. It seems you have the idea but don’t go into any detail about how this would be accomplished.

You then move right along to the town sending me a letter saying, “Paint the elevators or tear them down.” What a can of worms such a letter would open! What about all the houses in town that need paint? Perhaps they too should receive such a letter. You and I could get together and start a demolition business. If you had done any homework, you may have found there are plans in the works involving both elevators. There’s also a lot of history here on “Tobacco Road”. A copy of the history of the elevators is available at the Creston Museum.

Regarding the Mounties speeding through the school zone every day since you moved here: My apologies to the RCMP if the paint job on the elevators causes them to speed in your particular area. If you have such evidence, a picture or even a licence plate number, you could take that information to the detachment and I am sure it will be dealt with.

You, or anyone else, is welcome to drop by and talk to me personally, as I will be at the elevators for the rest of this month.

Ray Gauthier

Arrow Creek

Creston Valley Advance