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Please be kind to our Dr. Henry

To the Editor;

To the Editor;

Please be kind to our Dr. Bonny Henry.

What kind of people are we if we do a 180 and start beating on her verbally. What kind of superficial behaviour makes us think in such a black and white way? Dr. Henry is a hero, not because she is in some movie and is that perfect superhero with a cape, but because she is showing up DAILY and TIRELESSLY and doing her best with the situation she is given.

Let’s really try to be patient. People are dying.

I am an MD, and can assure you Dr. Henry’s skills in epidemiology are some of the best in the world. The super infections are not coming from the schools and controlled workplaces. Thus the targeted restrictions are not there at the moment. The super spreading events occurred when we stopped listening to Dr. Henry and others who have been advising us.

For example, when we crowded the Granville Mall on Halloween with no distancing and no masks – and when we had huge personal gatherings. This has been going on a long time people – and I know we are frustrated. But imagine being Dr. Henry right now. Would you take her place?

Behind the scenes she also has to advocate strongly in meetings with the politicians and then come out and be the voice of what is often a compromise because of what gets decided in those conversations. She has to represent the consensus of the leadership – medical, political and economic.

Be kind everyone. There are plenty of examples of VERY bad leadership in the world today. Don’t burn out one of the good ones. DR. HENRY has been there for us. Now let’s be there for her in return.

Dr. Chris Vuksic

Saanich, B.C.

Barriere Star Journal