Please give to help fight cancer

No matter how strong we are, we shiver with fear at the sound of the word cancer

To the editor;

The human body is capable of many things, but its power can often end in the fatality of numerous diseases.

Among these diseases, cancer occupies the No. 1 slot.

No matter how strong we are, we shiver with fear at the sound of the word cancer.

Whenever we learn somebody is affected with cancer, we usually are not sure if the victim is going to survive in his/her fight against it because the disease is similar to weeds growing in a garden — they gradually destroy it.

It takes up space and nutrients, kills healthy plants — and there is always the possibility of it coming back.

We know cancer is deadly but, as long as we have the weapon of research, we can fight back and defeat it.

The Canadian Cancer Society is an organization striving with the support of community members to fund cancer-related research throughout the country.

Thanks to this research and the untiring efforts of the Canadian Cancer Society, we have seen a huge improvement in the five-year survival to more than 60 per cent today from the 25 per cent rate in 1947.

This year alone, the society is committed to funding more than $3 million toward childhood-cancer research.

Let us all help the society to accomplish its goal; after all, it couldn’t continue to fund the best cancer research without the help and support of community members.

So, everybody, please — give courageously and donate generously.

Amna Farooq



Barriere Star Journal