Please politicians, gimme some truth

Dear editor,

I’ve always had a keen interest in all forms of politics, from municipal levels right though to international affairs of state. For decades the vicissitudes of parties and politicians have been a source of entertainment more often than not; watching fictitious claims and information put before an often gullible electorate, sometimes brazenly but mostly covertly.

Here are three examples why that wonderful song “Just Gimme Some Truth” by super-cynic John Lennon, repeatedly plays in my cranial Wurlitzer in these Dog Days Of Summer.

The Commissioner of Elections has just released evidence that the Green Party of Canada contravened the Elections Act in the final days of last October’s federal election. Erroneous polling data was distributed to thousands of households to try and win the NDP seat in Victoria.

By the party who self-righteously claims to be above board and ultra-trustworthy, but now pleading guilty as charged. The leader advises it’s nothing to do with her, it’s a Green Party matter; nobody will be getting  booted – guess she hopes to protect her perceived Miss Goody Two-Shoes image.

The very same day our prime minister took to Twittersphere informing all and sundry that he’s “Taking some time to recharge with family – See you at Vancouver Pride”. Does anybody really care? But maybe he’s too full of hubris to realize that many Canadians are increasingly sickened of tiresome tweets and senseless selfies for the past nine months.

Pouring scorn onto deserving politicians would be incomplete without mentioning the two U.S. major political party conventions held in Cleveland and Philadelphia.

Believe it or not, the country that loves to label itself “the most powerful nation in the history of the world”, with a population in excess of 300-million, is having to choose its leader for the next four years between Tweedle-Dumb and Tweedle-Dumber.

President Bernie has a nice ring to it, but that’s another story.

Bernie Smith



Comox Valley Record