Please vote

Resident encourages the public to get out and cast a ballot in provincial election

A great letter from Allan Hopper in a recent Morning Star about voter apathy.

I am a retired senior. There is only one election (municipal) that I didn’t vote since I was able.

I am happy I live in a country where I can vote. Millions of people around the world don’t have the right to vote. The one time that I didn’t vote, more than 40 years ago, was because I didn’t feel like it. That was not a good reason.

I think the voter turnout in Canada should never be under 90 per cent.

Do we want someone else to decide what kind of government we have and how much we are taxed?

If we lost our rights in this country, would those of you that don’t vote complain. I don’t think you would have a right to complain.

Next month is the provincial election. As the saying goes: vote as you please but please vote.


Karl Schoenberger




Vernon Morning Star