Plenty of airport angst

Judging by letters to the PNR, many residents have aircraft related issues.

Judging by letters to the PNR, many residents have aircraft related issues. So, who in the grand scheme of things determines the where/when/how of flight manoeuvres?

It would seem these procedures would come under the authority and control of NAVCAN. So, is it not time for more controlled and considerate procedures to be established for all categories of aircraft?

There can be no operational justification for any aircraft to fly at low altitude and at high power over a residential property and this should be stopped.

Is there a compelling reason why takeoffs or approaches have to pass over someone’s roof? It is time to stop the habit of overflying residential property in the Town of Sidney and its immediate areas, as these are typically at low altitude and generate the maximum disturbance to people below.

Short turn ins/outs are also unnecessary. As has been noted, noise is but one component. Vibration inside our wood framed dwellings is considerable and of such intensity as to contribute to the negative health effects associated with such exposure.

If Sidney is to maintain its reputation for being a desirable place to be, as the town population grows the status quo regarding aircraft movements requires some modification. Aggravating noise is a well-documented source of several serious health issues.

As with most issues there is invariably a dollar value connection, however, this must not be allowed to inhibit needed environmental/safety improvements. It is time to get past any turf-sensitive politics.

V. Gillett, Sidney

Editor’s note: This final letter on the issue of airport noise just flew in under the deadline.

Peninsula News Review