PM’s values aren’t Canadian values

It is becoming increasingly clear that Canadians voted in a government of misplaced priorities.

To the Editor,

It is becoming increasingly clear that Canadians voted in a government of misplaced priorities, Liberal values as opposed to real Canadian values and a commitment to the culture of death.

We now have a prime minister who majors in meaningless rhetoric, makes a vain profession of being Catholic and an empty claim of believing in true democracy, transparency and openness. When you cut off debate on as important and sensitive a social issue as the assisted suicide bill, disallow the electorate any say in electoral reform and force your MPs to support abortion, how then are you to be taken seriously as a true believer in democratic freedom?

Canadians are now sadly learning that the “real change” they thoughtlessly voted for translates into misplaced Liberal priorities such as legalizing marijuana, deficit spending, transgender rights, misguided immigration policy, euthanasia and a continuing erosion of our democratic rights and freedoms. Yes-no-maybe politics are in and real priorities vital to the prosperity and well being of the country such as decisions on pipelines, jobs and the seriousness of national security are sadly non-priorities for this prime minister.                                                                                                                                           Hopefully there are still enough Canadians who still believe in honesty, integrity and morality and enough of us who prefer life to death to make the difference in the next election.

Gerald HallNanoose Bay


To the Editor,

Religious Conservatives are upset with the party’s change to not opposing same sex marriage anymore. Conservatives had a solid base among the religious, but the party’s values on many issues turn younger voters away. So the party must adapt or continue to lose the young.

Generally youth favour birth control and choice, legalizing marijuana, doctor-assisted dying, proportional representative government and compassionate social programs.

The Conservative Party is on the wrong side of these issues. Nine consecutive Conservative losses at the Supreme Court of Canada is a clear indicator that their values don’t stack up well any more.

Either they evolve to modern society or they must figure out a way to keep the old voters alive longer. A conundrum.

R.G. BurnettNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin