PNR editorial raises ire of North Saanich residents

Support for Sandown is clear despite Peninsula News Review's commentary

Re: Let’s get farms, cost recovery (Our View, Jan. 13)

I was quite shocked when I read your misinformed editorial. I first thought it was tongue-in-cheek and then realized you were serious.

First, the Agricultural Land Commission would not allow any land to be sliced off for development. The staff report that you reference was clear on this matter. And the current deal does not decrease land in the ALR as you imply.

Second, the value of the land is not a key point as there is no plan to sell it, so in a way the land price makes no difference. The staff report is clear that the current lease revenue and the future revenue from the commercial development would more than compensate taxpayers for the five years the ALC has given the district to develop the land.

Third, I wonder why you chose not to mention the approximately 400 residents who attended the Friends of Sandown Community Farm’s public event on Wednesday and spoke strongly in favour of protecting the Sandown lands? At the meeting, in answer to a question, North Saanich staff pointed out the free offer of topsoil from the Victoria airport, that the current landowner would assist financially with the hazardous waste issue and that numerous offers have come from the community to help manage the property on a partnership basis.

In future we would hope for a better balanced editorial on this proposal. The community is behind it and is looking for an opportunity to do something positive for agriculture on the Peninsula, not have the precious Sandown lands set aside as eight ranch estates for the rich.

Bob Peart

North Saanich

Peninsula News Review