

Pocket park great; ban dogs from market

Please continue adding parks and beautification downtown, and across Duncan's one square mile.

Pocket park great; ban dogs from market

Dear Mayor Staples and council:

I have visited the new park at Staton and Craig streets and love it. So do all-ages’ folks using it.

I see that splendid green space as multi-use in which concerts, plays, public meetings and more can also be held using CV19 precautions.

This pocket park is a welcome silver lining to a terrible situation that saw one of our precious historical buildings demolished on that site in recent years. I am familiar with that tragic story.

Please continue adding parks and beautification downtown, and across Duncan’s one square mile.

(By the way, shouldn’t all city flag poles hold a Canadian, provincial or city flag?)

Such bulbs, benches, banners, bike racks, buskers and bushes are outlined in the city’s great, but sadly long-curbed, Plan Of Action 2000.

It urges heritage conservation mixed with green, creative building designs. Those looks would dovetail perfectly with Duncan’s proactive tree bylaw.

The mayor and staff presumably have a copy of that constructive, artistic- and pedestrian-leaning POA. Please review and activate its mostly low-cost recommendations.

And please, no costly studies are needed to start such beautification actions.

I like affordable improvements in the city that lend deserved character to Duncan — as Cowichan’s centre — and invite visitors off the highway.

A main gateway off the Trans-Canada is also long overdue, despite stalled talks with Cowichan Tribes and the Highways ministry. Please restart those talks to get pretty, creative gateways up Trunk Road, and along Duncan’s other main arteries — some of which are in urgent need of repaving.

Despite COVID-19, folks in masks can safely visit the City of Totems and support our sagging economy.

That economy includes our thriving Saturday Farmer’s Market. I’d like to see the market expanded, in concert with the DBIA and the market’s board.

I believe we can entice more booths and vendors along Craig, and/or farther down Ingram Street.

I remain dismayed dogs, albeit leashed, are still allowed in our market despite barking and other potentially dangerous commotion that steals from an otherwise cool shopping experience.

The market’s sign warning about dog owner liability is cold comfort to safety-conscious shoppers.

I continue looking to our open-minded, safety conscious council to negotiate an end to dogs — no matter how well behaved — at our popular market, which is not supposed to resemble a dog park.

Thanks so much for listening.

Peter W. Rusland


Cowichan Valley Citizen