Poetic justice?

The Langley Township civic election has come and gone in poetry


The civic election has come and gone;

The Slate suffered a dismal defeat.

The personal attacks were continuous;

The assassination – so complete.

Results have given the incumbents cause

To pat each other hard on the back.

U.S. style politics do not belong here.

The whole shebang should have got the sack.

Venom spewed forth for three whole years straight;

Kicked-out mayors got in on the act.

Will the trough be re-filled; the gravy train roll?

Building abounds so cash must be tracked!

In the turkey coop, the fox struts his stuff;

Preens, gabs and fluffs upon the top perch.

The gobblers crow way down below – tho’ they duck

As the outflow threatens to besmirch

Their turkey tweets, as they all rabidly vie

To fix their pecking order to suit.

Responsible governance is crucial now;

Self-promotion on Twitter is moot!

Hope the mayor has fortitude as he will have to learn lots,

So how about some lessons from the esteemed Diane Watts!?

Diana Sampson, Langley

Aldergrove Star