Polar bears

Upon reading the headline to Colin Mayes’ article that polar bear protection was “unnecessary,” I laughed for a moment...

Upon reading the headline to Colin Mayes’ article that polar bear protection was “unnecessary,” I laughed for a moment, thinking I had somehow missed April Fool’s Day and that the article was his little joke.

But no, it wasn’t, and he was serious.

I thought perhaps he’d simply watched too many Coca Cola ads over the Xmas holidays, featuring all those fat little polar bear cubs and penguins frolicking happily together on little ice floes.

sBut no, it’s better than that: Mr. Mayes cites as evidence that his brother knows all about climate change as he lives close to the Arctic and can see that the weather there is normal.

Goodness, how then are scientists and countless international agencies acquiring their seemingly irrefutable facts that within 10 years the consequences of climate change will have made the world as we know it unrecognizable?

What aren’t Mr. Mayes and his brother sharing with the IPCC?

More to the point, do they even know what the IPCC is? Or why the President of the Maldives is trying to wake the world up to the plight of his nation as it sinks beneath the waves?  Or that with the melting of the ice cap polar bears must swim up to 400 miles to find ice?

The Harper government has zero credibility, both in Canada and internationally, when it comes to environmental protection, and it is an insult to the electorate for Mr. Mayes to attempt to paint the policies of the Harper government in even a faded shade of green.

Tish Woodley



Vernon Morning Star