Thieves are ravaging our quiet neighbourhood of Chimney Hills. Break-ins of houses, cars, and lately street light wires.
May 29 about 4 a.m. I heard and then saw someone right outside our open window taking apart the cover on the street light base. I called the police and they quickly came with dogs, etc. We have no idea if anyone was caught.
Last night again I heard some noise at about 11 p.m. waking me from my sleep. I saw no one but noticed all the street lights were out in front of our cul-de-sac and up and down 150A Street. My husband dressed and went out to investigate but saw no covers disturbed next to us. We notified the non-emergency department of the police.
Our Block Watch captains advised of lights out in another cul-de-sac the night before. All the Block Watch captains of Chimney Hills are trying to make people aware of what is going on in the area and to be diligent in keeping their eyes and ears open in the night. The police need all the help we can give them.
Frieda Hepworth