Police priorities questioned

I have been a Block Watch captain for over 10 years and have supported the police all of my life, but the straw that broke the camel’s back has made me rethink what I believe in.

Editor: I have been a Block Watch captain for over 10 years and have supported the police all of my life, but the straw that broke the camel’s back has made me rethink what I believe in.

I challenge the RCMP to do better.

I would first like to compare the RCMP to an elementary school. The RCMP would be the principal and the general public are the honest kids, while the criminals are the bullies.

If the principal were to punish the good kids all of the time and leave the bullies to do whatever they want to do, then we would have a lot of problems in our schools.

Principals on the other hand do not allow bullying and stay on top of the bullies to keep them under control. Why then do the RCMP constantly stop honest people for minor speeding, problems and jaywalking?

Yes, you would get a ticket if doing any of the above and other minor offences. But if you are a motorcycle gang member or drug dealer, you can do whatever you want.

Motorcyclists drive around Langley with straight pipes, but the police do nothing. Last time I checked, having a loud vehicle was an offence. Run a straight pipe on your car and see how fast you get pulled over.

I witnessed an incident where the noise made by a group of motorcyclists almost led a small child to walk into traffic. Yet this is allowed. Why?

I have witnessed the Hells Angels being escorted through Langley, and honest bystanders treated like crap. I think it should be the other way around.

I had numerous bikers race down my street with straight pipes and the police did nothing. Well, I stopped him and said enough. We shook hands and it stopped.

I had drug dealers selling in front of my house and the police did nothing. I drove my truck behind them with high beams until they got the hint and left.

Who is doing the policing here? It’s definitely not the RCMP. They are too busy setting up speed zones, while I can see the drug dealers selling drugs by the school. Which is more important, drugs or speeding?

I remember several years ago during Halloween, when our school was vandalized and the garbage bin burned. The police officer sat in his car the whole time watching. I think if he had got out and kicked one guy’s butt, that could have sent a better message. He would have had me behind him for support and he would have gained respect.

If we force the motorcycle gang members to drive quiet vehicles and wear the proper equipment and helmet, then I think they will go someplace else. We need to be tough on them, all day and every day.

I am more scared to get a speeding ticket than I would be to sell drugs. The police protect the guilty and condemn the innocent. What is going on?

I would like to see the RCMP replaced with a homegrown local police force which cares about our community. I get the feeling from the RCMP that they are disconnected, as they follow what is important to their Ottawa head office.

Many of its members in the RCMP are from outside B.C. and they really do not care about our province.  The RCMP have veered so far off track I wonder where they are going.

This concern is not just about the police officer. It starts with their policies, as they only do as they are told. We need local influence on the police, as we have different priorities than they do in Ottawa.

I have handed in my Block Watch resignation, and will no longer support a police force with screwed-up priorities.

I urge others who feel as I do to write letters to politicians at all levels. You pay for the police, which means they work for you.

Let us control our city the way we want it. I want my family to live in a peaceful society that welcomes the police.

Police should also pay attention. If you keep slapping an honest person in the face, they will bite your hand. Do your job and patrol for crime. Make our society safe.

I will work with a police officer who does not slap me in the face. I like the police, as they are humans just like you and me. They just listen to bad advice and follow screwed-up rules. If we worked together, I think all criminals would leave because they could not stand the heat.

Langley Times