Police warrant praise

It was a privilege to have a front-row seat as I watched police interact with the youth in a firm but respectful manner

As part of the Leadership Victoria Program I am enrolled in this fall and winter I had the privilege of going on a ride-along with one of the officers of your police department for an evening. So often we only hear negative things about the work they do; what I saw tonight definitely gives me faith that there are still many great police officers out there doing a difficult job.

It was a privilege to have a front-row seat as I watched all of them interact with the youth in a firm but respectful manner. I watched what they have to put up with and still keep your cool and I am sure things get worse as the night wears on. I watched passion and compassion in action, it was obvious their heart is in it.

Next time you see an officer, take the time to say thank you; they deserve it.

Marja Blase

Shawnigan Lake


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