Policing won’t solve problem


Re: Crash site not on City of Surrey’s radar, Aug. 25.

It was maddening to read the City of Surrey engineer’s remark that a light on the corner of Stayte Road and 10 Avenue is not warranted.


Re: Crash site not on City of Surrey’s radar, Aug. 25.

It was maddening to read the City of Surrey engineer’s remark that a light on the corner of Stayte Road and 10 Avenue is not warranted.

The obscure stop sign there is no match for the speed and volume of traffic coming from both streets.

By all means, put a cop there during busy summer weekends and rush-hour traffic, and you will find it is the frequent running of this stop sign that is the problem – but it doesn’t solve the problem.

Missing from this article is the fact that Surrey has erected signs in various locations instructing drivers to use Stayte Road as beach access. Does that not also make the city accountable to ensure this route “to the beach” is as safe as possible?

Engineer Philip Bellefontaine, maintains both roads are destined to carry higher volumes of traffic; the city is encouraging it. If this is the case, why no traffic light?

I trust both cities will take this matter a little more seriously and implement traffic changes before we have a fatality.

John Christensen, Surrey




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