Political alliances two sides of same bad coin

Either we change profoundly, or the natural world will change us profoundly.

Political alliances two sides of same bad coin

Political alliances two sides of same bad coin

Re: A dubious battle

The BC NDP’s allegiance with unions entrenched in dying and destructive fossil fuel industries is as egregious as the BC Liberals’ allegiance with corporations entrenched likewise. Two sides of the same bad coin.

There are new technologies emerging in energy resource industries that could well employ many people, industries that would not so grievously disrupt the natural systems without which we cannot survive. But the entrenched power holders in both unions and corporations are unwilling either to adapt to changing realities or to yield the field to new minds. They call tunes for governments to dance.

So, our communities are divided: some arguing for employment for their well-being; some arguing for protection of the natural foundations of well-being. As long as people in the street dispute with one another, those in the penthouse boardrooms can sit back and nurture their wealth and power, untroubled by others’ hardship.

Retooling and retraining, creating new trading networks for supply and distribution — it’s a lot of work, a lot of change for entrenched people who’d rather keep things the way they are.

But that is not possible. Through our accelerating disruption of the living systems of planet Earth, from which we are inseparable, we are so changing the conditions of our living that to expect social and economic order and systems to continue in any way unchanged is folly.

Either we change profoundly, or the natural world will change us profoundly.

John Mowat Steven


Cowichan Valley Citizen