To the Editor:
As we voters turn our minds to the upcoming federal election, we will be looking for opportunities to compare the candidates who are running for member of Parliament, especially as the Nelson and north Kootenay Lake communities, new to the riding of Kootenay-Columbia, will be expecting to meet the incumbent MP for the first time. Unfortunately, during the 2011 election campaign, Conservative candidate David Wilks’s attendance record was only 43 per cent. That’s not enough respect for the folks I know, as if we voters didn’t matter.
Political debates are the defining portrayal of a candidate. Under pressure and adapting to spontaneous demands, the potential leader has the opportunity to present his capabilities. As our future leader, the delegate must be confident in high-pressure situations, think clearly, have social and environmental knowledge, and have excellent communication skills. Watching a debate with all the candidates participating is crucial for we voters to determine who will truly represent our individual and community needs.
Forfeiting political debates is a clear indication that the delegate doesn’t have what it takes to be a true representative of the people. We Kootenay-Columbia citizens expect a leader to make themselves as visible and as reachable as possible in every community. There is no excuse to not participate in every debate in this diverse riding, if you want the job.