Political correctness at step too far

I wanted to express my extreme disappointment to see across your Dec. 24 front page with the headline, “Happy Holidays.”

To the editor:

I wanted to express my extreme disappointment to see across your Dec. 24  Capital News edition front page with the headline, “Happy Holidays.”

The last I checked on the calendar, it is still called Christmas.

Not sure why it has become politically incorrect to use that term after hundreds and hundreds of years.

It is the birth of Christ and all of time is measured according to his birth and death (BC and  AD). If we are worried about offending someone, it offends me that Christmas is removed.

I respect all faiths and religions, and honour what they call their holidays and  celebrations.

Hannakah or Ramadan are called exactly what they are.

We have lost our backbone for our convictions, and are slowly becoming a godless society.  Sad.

Barbara Clark,


Kelowna Capital News