Political correctness belongs in Stalinist Russia

The left is not concerned with making life better; they just want to punish and hurt people.



Political correctness belongs in Stalinist Russia

Ms. Quast’s opinions are not the ones being actively suppressed. In order to understand an issue you need to be able to have a full discussion of it, even the dark bits.

In Harper’s magazine a letter by historical liberals (soon to become conservatives) called out cancel culture and “intolerance of opposing views”. It was signed by such names as Margaret Atwood, Noam Chomsky, Malcolm Gladwell, Michael Ignatieff, Salman Rushdie, and J.K. Rowling.

“Political correctness” originated in the Stalinist Soviet Union, where truth was decided by the central committee of the Communist Party. It is frightening to see it appearing in modern times.

The left is not concerned with making life better; they just want to punish and hurt people. Beat people down until they are all equally miserable. They use a self-righteous paternalistic doctrine (wokeness) on behalf of another (whether that group is truly offended or not). In doing so they reinforce the negative stereotypes and victimization of the groups they are allegedly defending. The tearing down of individuals is creating a lot of hatred and division and drives people apart.

S. Innis


Cowichan Valley Citizen