Political decisions


As a 70-year-old third-generation Canadian, I am surprised my peer group votes solidly Conservative.

The Liberals gave us medicare, old-age security and pensions, all three of which we geezers need more and more. They left behind, a few years ago, a reliable and secure economy, which Stephen Harper now takes credit for. The American Republican party attack ads seem most identified with the Conservatives. Well, I’m voting Liberal. Because I’m old. Because I’m loyal. Because I’m Canadian.

Jim Ison, Surrey

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I am a veteran of the Second World War, a seventh-generation Canadian from 1784, and have seen a lot of electioneering in my 90 years.

I attended both recent candidate meetings where Hardy Staub, Liberal candidate, came across as the playground bully. He took every opportunity to attack Russ Hiebert, the Conservative candidate, and in doing so, he usually failed to address the questions directed at him. It resulted in knowing what he was going to say every time he had the floor. Rarely did he discuss what his party platform was.

Liberal Staub is not the person I want to represent me in Ottawa.

In defence of Hiebert’s past high costs, he has listened to his constituents’ criticisms and is now in the lowest third of B.C. MPs. He has worked hard for us and we have benefitted by way of $100 million for community projects.

J. Wright, Surrey

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Let’s remember on May 2 every one of those awful Russ Hiebert brochures that landed so often in our mailboxes and was paid for by us, the taxpayer.

And that while we squeeze into an economy seat on an airline, that same guy was in executive class with all his family beside him, and we paid for that, too.

I speak of him in the past tense hoping it will be that way for good. He didn’t do much except hand out Harper money from time to time, as if he was doing us a personal favour.

The man simply wasn’t cut out to represent a constituency. Hopefully he’ll now be free to go back to lawyering. Maybe he’s better at that.

Mary Garner, White Rock

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I am appalled that you published the recent letter of Ken Hollas (Party politics plays part at polls, April 22), saying “Conservatives get support from corporations.”

The federal Elections Act was amended nearly a decade ago to prohibit corporate and union donations. No party accepts such donations. The Peace Arch News should know better.

Marilyn Cheng, manager of the Russ Hiebert campaign

















Peace Arch News