Political lesson draws response

I would like to reply to Mr. Krogstad's Political Lesson in the Sept. 14 letters to the editor.

I would like to reply to Mr. Krogstad’s Political Lesson in the Sept. 14 letters to the editor. It is very well written and quite persuasive, however, he is living in a world of make believe.

Firstly, I will explain my background so there is no misunderstanding. I am an immigrant to this country, I arrived in my early 20s with no job arranged and very little money. since then I  have earned two university degrees and had a successful professional career.

As I was coming to the end of that career, I earned a diploma in my spare time and went on to run my own business for another 15 years.

By Mr. Krogstad’s definition, I should be a Conservative. I made a success by my own efforts. Unfortunately, I cannot subscribe to his philosophy of, “I’m all right, Jack. Sod you.”

Unfortunately, in this world we are not all born equal. There are many in society that do not have the tools to enable success. Firstly, the population starts with a wide range of intelligence and there is very little that can be done to change that.

In this ever more complex society there are some that cannot compete. The family background is another inequality, some may overcome being born into poverty with a dysfunctional family life, but many do not and are not able to.

Even the place of birth can be a disadvantage to some people.

It is rather disingenuous to think, “I made it, so can you,” which seems to be typical of right-wing conservatives.

They should be pleased with their success and fortune and be glad that they can contribute to the less fortunate in society.

In fact, when governments, under pressure from “conservatives” cut back on social services to save taxes in the short term, it leads to greater social problems such as sickness, homelessness, crime and other social ills that society has to deal with at considerable cost.

It bothers me that so many right-wing supporters invoke God as their guide when they have so little understanding of the Christian doctrine, “Love thy neighbour.”

Dave Atkins



Vernon Morning Star