Political payoff

It sure didn’t take long for the political appointees to hit the feeding trough; less than a month

When the Liberals won back in May, I made two predictions to my co-workers. The first prediction was that within 60 days, Christy Clark’s staff would all be voting themselves in a big fat raise. This prediction has come to pass.

It sure didn’t take long for the porkos to hit the feeding trough; less than a month. I believe Clark’s chief of staff got a $35,000 raise, bumping her from about $195,000 to almost $230,000. Are you kidding me? $35,000 is 70 per cent of what I make in a year, and he got this as a raise.

Let us see in the coming months if my second prediction comes true. What is my second prediction, you ask? I predict the Penticton Regional Hospital expansion will be dropped like a hot potato and put right back onto the back burner. This makes me sick to my stomach.

On another note, this whole Mike Duffy affair really has ruffled  my feathers. If anyone else were to take $90,000 from their employer, regardless of whether or not it was paid back, they would be arrested, charged, possibly thrown into the hoosegow, and have the stigma of a criminal record for life. What makes politicians any different? Are they above the law? Apparently so.

I think it is about time that the working class rise up and make our opinions known in a loud and clear voice. Enough is enough. Time for a revolution, me thinks.

Mark Billesberger





Penticton Western News