Political switcheroo: Take it all away then give a smidgen back

It's baffling why the continuation of one Veterans’ Affairs clerk in Kelowna is depicted as some kind of generous gesture…

To the editor:

Thankfully, in his most recent MP’s Report (Dec. 17), Kelowna-Lake Country MP Ron Cannan refrained from only parroting the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) talking points as he did when he suggested the government’s solution to poverty of seniors is to increase the Canada Pentions Plan eligibility to age 67, or that the anti-bullying legislation can be taken at face value while his party’s political ads are straight-forward slander and half-truths concerning the Conservative Party of Canada’s political “enemies.”

Mr. Cannan did address issues of a local/regional nature, but the reader is baffled why the continuation of one Veterans’ Affairs clerk in Kelowna is depicted as some kind of generous gesture, particularly in light of the recent upsurge of suicides by military members.

However, he does not address the points uppermost on voters’ minds: The ongoing scandal of the alleged cover-up by the PMO and the ensuing RCMP investigation into bribery and fraud, let alone the PM’s statement that he could not care less for anyone who does not vote Conservative, or the federal ministers’ statement that his government has no responsibility to care about children going hungry.

These developments do not enhance the voters’ confidence in decent governance on behalf of all citizens, regardless of social circumstances or political preferences.

Harri Henschler,

West Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News