Politicians can’t be everywhere

Re: story in The NEWS that made reference to absence of politicians at a recent event regarding the dangers of drugs.

Re: story in The NEWS that made reference to absence of politicians at a recent event regarding the dangers of drugs.

There are several reasons why politicians are no-shows at events.

1. They don’t get the word. Failure to ensure communication is the most common reason.

2. Scheduling conflicts. CBE = can’t be everywhere. Events can occur at the same time. Usually the one that gets the word out first, with the longer lead time, captures the time slot. Sometimes folks schedule meetings at the same time that a regional board or municipal council holds its meeting. A guarantee of no show. Sometimes the politician (or pol) is out of town.

3. Relevance.  If the matter of discussion lies outside the geographic jurisdiction, or outside the legal jurisdiction of the government level, the presence of the pol would be moot.

For my part, I did not get notice of the fentanyl meeting, and I was out of town also.

In the matter of snow removal, regional districts have no jurisdiction or responsibility over roads and road maintenance. The province has sole authority over all roads outside municipalities.

Julian Fell


Parksville Qualicum Beach News