Politicians practise willful blindness

Until March 2012, I am proud to say I was a part of the silent majority.

Until March 2012, I am proud to say I was a part of the silent majority. Then two things happened that forced me into getting information and turned me into a participant in Canadian politics.

One was the introduction of the “Smart Meter” by BC Hydro which directly cost me vacancy in my building and a lot of money annually. The second event was the discovery of a “cell tower” at the base of Lyman Hill in Canoe, of which a neighbour had informed me.

I had no knowledge of either of these things, so I proceeded to look them up on the Internet where I discovered that both are connected to electromagnetic radiation, hypersensitivity, pulsing microwave radiation, and all kinds of other terminology with which I was unfamiliar.

I also discovered that organizations that I thought were protecting me such as Health Canada, Industry Canada, Canadian Environment Assessment Agency, The Royal Society of Canada, and Interior Health, were not. I also discovered that the same politicians I voted for were as apathetic as I about these issues, or were prepared to practise “willful blindness” to it all.

For instance, Health Canada had no concerns about smoking and asbestos originally. How many people died because Health Canada decided to approve these products?

How can we trust Health Canada about electromagnetic radiation when they clearly ignore existing scientific evidence from the rest of the world and they have been proven to be wrong before?

Can one of our politicians answer me as to what they are doing about this?

Apathy kills democracy.

Mike Testart


Salmon Arm Observer