The weekend weather may have been mild, but that didn't stop "snow" from falling on Cole Street right after the Small Business Saturday event. Forecasters predict that Enumclaw will continue to see snowfall every Friday at 5 p.m. from now until Christmas; a section of Cole Street from Griffin Avenue to Myrtle Avenue will be closed to traffic so residents can enjoy the weather, grab a bite to eat from a local restaurant. Photos by Ray Miller-Still

Poll on holiday plans

Has COVID affected your holiday plans?

While Santa Claus is “probably” immune to the novel coronavirus, B.C.’s top doctor is warning that a pandemic Christmas will still look different this year.

Read more: Christmas will be different even if Santa is ‘probably’ immune to COVID, says B.C. top doctor

Read more: How to tell family their Christmas gathering is too risky and you’re not going

Has COVID affected your holiday plans?

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Has COVID affected your holiday plans?

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