Poor lighting poses highway hazard

Highway 9 is too dark and is scary to drive on, should be improved

The other evening I had, once again, the rather scary experience of driving home to Harrison Hot Springs from Chilliwack after dark, in the rain.

The highway between the roundabout and the railway bridge was particularly unsettling.

The visibility is extremely poor along this part of Highway 9 at night because the lighting is practically non-existent and the lines once painted on the roadway have long since worn off.

It is shameful that drivers have to depend on the reflection from a billboard to orient themselves on the traffic lanes.

Having talked to other drivers about this, I know I am not alone in wanting the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to upgrade both the lighting and the road markings all along this stretch.

This is the kind of thing our taxes should be used for.

This issue might make a good ‘Question of the Week.’


Lillian Martin



Agassiz Observer