Poor planning

Resident wants City of Vernon to consider traffic flow

Recently, I tried to get around the west end of 30th Avenue. The traffic flow is poorly thought out.

At one time, Coldstream Avenue, between 34th and 35th streets, was a two-way street.

Would it not make sense to return Coldstream Avenue to a two-way street now that the buses have been moved the fantasy bus terminus at Cenotaph Park? It surely would make sense while 30th Avenue is torn up.

I do not see how narrowing down 30th Avenue and widening sidewalks will draw more people to the downtown core.

The recent official community plan open house at the Village Green Centre was poorly put together and a waste of time.

I do not think it matters what a person has to say about the OCP. City hall already has its mind made up about what is going to be done in Vernon.

The one thing I learned from the open house  – — look out, the 43rd Avenue road diet is next.

George Serhan



Vernon Morning Star