Poor voter turnout an insult to campaigners

Kudos to all who campaigned during this last election

Dear editor,

Kudos to all who campaigned during this last election with ideas and ideals that they consider important enough to take time from their personal and business lives to campaign for their belief in a better Comox.

It’s a lot of work, time and money and the poor voter turnout is an insult to the efforts of all campaigners.

Voting in an election is our right — a right that in some countries is hard fought and sometimes not even possible.  We are free to choose within a democratic process ­— although not perfect it seems to be the best and most desired political process on this planet.

I’m appalled that in this beautiful little town of Comox, the voter turnout is an abysmal 41.4 per cent — this figure is shameful. It’s particularly shameful with our election day close on the heels of Remembrance Day and the average Comox resident being ‘long in the tooth’ — whose families and friends would have been directly affected by the sacrifices made during past wars. What happened to making an effort, casting your ballot and the pride attached to standing up and being counted? Our freedom to do so was hard fought and should never be forgotten or diminished with passivity.

Next election I will make it my priority to actively campaign for voters in support of all campaigners — to encourage all people of voting age (young and old) to cast their ballot.

Lois North



Comox Valley Record