Poppy campaign grateful for support

The Vernon branch of the Royal Canadian Legion thanks the citizens of Greater Vernon

The Vernon branch of the Royal Canadian Legion thanks the citizens of Greater Vernon for donating to the poppy campaign and proudly wearing poppies to remember our veterans.

We appreciate the efforts of our volunteers, the cadets, Scouts and Guides who distributed the poppies to the community.

We also thank the businesses that provided venues for canvassers and for poppy baskets.

The 2016 poppy campaign in Vernon raised nearly $41,700.

These funds will be used in the local community: providing assistance to needy veterans and their families, granting student bursaries, and supporting worthy local services.

The legion acknowledges the teachers and schools who offer programs and projects enabling students to learn about our veterans and the significance of Remembrance Day.

We commend the schools and other institutions that hold Remembrance Day events and invite the participation of veterans and military personnel.

Thank you to all of the Vernon and district residents who attended the Remembrance Day ceremony at Kal Tire Place.

It was heartwarming to have an exceptional turnout of community groups and clubs who participated in the parade and ceremony.

We are particularly grateful for the agencies, organizations, and individuals who laid wreaths during the Remembrance Day ceremony to honour our fallen comrades.

Well done Vernon. Thank you.

Jenny Negraiff, Poppy campaign chairperson,

Vernon Royal Canadian Legion


Vernon Morning Star