Port Alberni fishing season over

Port Alberni claims to be the Salmon Capital of the world and then watches the recreational fishery destroyed by the bureaucrats at federal fisheries.

Port Alberni claims to be the Salmon Capital of the world and then watches the recreational fishery destroyed by the bureaucrats at federal fisheries. 

People from all over come to Port Alberni to fish and spend countless dollars on gas, food, tackle, accommodation and is of considerable value to Port Alberni’s economy.

Up until recently, the fishing in the inlet had just started to pick up after a slow start and then the attack of the canal started.

On one day in particular it was difficult to traverse the inlet with the mass of commercial vessels and we personally witnessed some recreational boats trying to blockade a seiner near China Creek. In several hours of fishing we saw only several fish caught by recreational fishermen. 

I have fished only 10 days this year, and now it appears that the season is over because DFO has granted full rights to the commercial boats who leave nothing behind.

I have been in contact with our MP and his office informs me that he has been deluged with hundreds of complaints about this.

I have talked with people who have pulled their rigs and boats from Port and will be spreading the word not to return.

Perhaps fisheries should have set the recreational catch limit at 10 per day if their plan was to clean out all the fish from the inlet. 

It is hoped that Port Alberni council will take this issue seriously as it takes a long time to overcome a negative image.

Frank C. Stets


Parksville Qualicum Beach News