
Possible to live in Cowichan with no car

Can someone exist with no car here? Yes, they can but at times it is inconvenient.

Possible to live in Cowichan with no car

Re: Editorial “Time to Dream”, (Citizen, April 6)

I found this editorial to be interesting and I thought I would pass along my thoughts.

We moved to Mill Bay in August 2020. We did not have a car at that time and we still don’t.

Luckily the house is close to a bus stop which serves both routes 8 and 9. I use these to get to Mill Bay Centre or to Valley View or Duncan and a few other locations. The fare is a bargain. The service is very punctual and while it would be good to have more service, I don’t think that will happen. Often I am the only one on the bus. I have sometimes used the express bus to Victoria on Saturdays or the return on the weekday. These could be improved with additional daytime service during the week.

I was also delighted to see that the Vancouver Connector service is operational again. This twice daily service can take me to various places at a convenient time.

I have also used the Brentwood Bay ferry to reach Victoria and there are local taxis when we need one. There is also the Bay to Bay which operates from Mill Bay to Sidney, Swartz Bay and airport by reservation.

Can someone exist with no car here? Yes, they can but at times it is inconvenient. I love the financial savings and knowing that I am maintaining a smaller carbon footprint.

F. Pillsbury

Mill Bay

Cowichan Valley Citizen