Postpone apartment proposal

Saanich council should look at Doumac apartments in conjunction with Cordova Bay Plaza development

A number of development proposals, out-of-character for the neighbourhood, are coming before Saanich council. First in line is a proposal for a four-storey apartment building on Doumac Avenue, across from  Cordova Bay Plaza, rezoning two lots not designated multifamily on the Official Community Plan (OCP). A redevelopment application for the plaza is next. Both proposals involve multiple considerations.

As the apartment building involves a rezoning in conflict with the OCP, council does have options. One that appears particularly appropriate is to postpone consideration and discuss the apartment proposal in conjunction with the plaza redevelopment.

If council were to proceed piecemeal, and decide the apartment proposal first, it would box itself in with respect to available options.  Postponement seems preferable to a piecemeal approach.

Christian Janssen



Saanich News