Pot has medical uses

Re: Letter from George Bochenek, Dec. 27. This is a very uninformed letter. First off, the Beatles song Let It Be is not about marijuana...

Re: Letter from George Bochenek, Dec. 27. This is a very uninformed letter. First off, the Beatles song Let It Be is not about marijuana – it is about Paul McCartney’s mother.

Now to this marijuana issue. I have a friend who contacted a disease called fibromyalgia. It is a crippling disease with no cure. Before this came on, she ran 10 miles four times a week; a mother of two and very active woman – bright, talented and positive.

She has been fighting this disease for over five years. She has gone to many doctors and none have been able to help her. She is now bedridden, in excruciating pain.

Because of the drugs she has been given, she fights depression, lethargy and doubled her weight. She is not a pot head, but what she discovered through a friend was that marijuana was the only thing that helped her at all – she could actually function somewhat with the intake of marijuana.

I have never heard of anybody dying of a marijuana overdose.

There have been many who have died from legal prescription drugs. How many people have died from smoking tobacco? All those chemicals and toxins that are mixed in to the natural tobacco leaf to get smokers addicted – the government collects huge on tobacco. Everybody knows if you smoked a little natural tobacco leaf, it certainly wouldn’t do the damage that the processed tobacco does.

Get your head out of the sand, this is 2012.

Colin Daniel

Abbotsford News