Pottery road

Writer wants to know why many Vernon roads badly in need of repairs get overlooked when it comes to funding...

How wonderful that our regional district has $100,000 to upgrade a walking path that users are able to use without this upgrade.

Why are there funds available for these sorts of projects when there never seems to be any funds for fixing roads properly that are used daily by hundreds of vehicles?

For example, Pottery Road was awful before the huge trucks were allowed to haul all of the fill from the VSS site to the end of Pottery. Instead of patching the road properly, it was done with leftovers from other projects, or so it seems. The people doing the patching just put patches over old patches that already had older patches. A logging road is in better shape than this road.

Pottery is used by fire trucks using the fire training centre,  parents dropping off and picking up their children at Hillview, school buses  and residents on a daily basis.

Another road  that  is used a lot and really should have a name change to ‘Pothole Alley” is Mutrie Road. This road is used by the same people using Pottery whenever they need to go to the north Vernon shopping area. Mutrie has the most popular dog park in the district and is therefore used extensively. I ask you which is more important, a path used by few compared to a patched path used by hundreds daily?

Politicians, just remember that the special interest groups are not the majority vote come election time.

Common sense needs to rule.

Mike Cucheran



Vernon Morning Star