Power conserver frustrated with Hydro hikes

Rate hikes for electricity will outpace wage hikes

So B.C. Hydro is increasing rates 25 per cent or more over five years. When was the last time you received a wage increase of that amount?

They point to upgrades as justification of this rate hike. Like smart meters? This is robbery. They also want us to conserve. If power conservation is anything like the local watershed, they will turn around and charge you more because they are not generating the revenue they need due to less use, so it’s a no win.

We changed our lightbulbs, installed thermo-pane windows and energy efficient doors, switched to a natural gas high-efficiency furnace, use LED lights at Christmas, bought high-efficiency appliances and barbecue, run the dishwasher, washer and dryer during off-hours (thanks to built-in timers), enjoy using candles but not 24/7 – what else is a person to do? I’m so fed up with the cost of everything else increasing but wages, unless you are a CEO or in management.

Teresa McFadyen

Central Saanich

Victoria News